In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act, George Orwell

Indignez-vous ! Stéphane Hessel

“Le courage c’est de chercher la vérité et de la dire ; c’est de ne pas subir la loi du mensonge triomphant qui passe, et de ne pas faire écho, de notre âme, de notre bouche et de nos mains aux applaudissements imbéciles et aux huées fanatiques ”.” – Djordje Kuzmanovic

lundi 26 mai 2014

Article: Les Crises Synthesis of the crisis in Ukraine 2 - The Coup

The fascist government of Kiev which we support

Part 2 - The Coup

21 May 2014

The movement then swelled up, with a record of 500 000 demonstrators on the 1st of december, the day when the first riots broke out.

This movement comprised of 3 political branches, (allied for 2 years) : the right wing “Motherland Party” headed by Yulia Tymochenko (based on a Thatcherite model), the liberal party “Udar” (strike), of Vitali Klitschko, (embraced by the German press as “our man in Kiev and supported by Angela Merkel), and the neo-nazi party “Svoboba”, headed by Oleg Tiagnybok, of which will discussed later. So, it wasn’t essentially a left-wing movement.   Look at this student demonstration “Pro-EU” in Lviv, (a stronghold of nationalist fascism). (Video Link).
Les étudiants d'EuroMaïdan à Lviv - 01-12-2013... par les-crises

Then the movement lasted, with a few tens of thousands of regular protesters occupying the place.

Let’s reiterate it: probably 90% of the demonstrators were peaceful, democrats, anti-oligarchs, anti-corruption and pro-Europeans. (The sequence of events will show at what point they were deceived...).

To note, however that this does not give them the right: in a democracy (as was Ukraine), it is the vote and not the street who decides the fundamental choices. Let’s underline that the EU also was to sign an association agreement with Ukraine (and Georgia...) without its citizens being consulted.

Thus, this beautiful movement had finally attracted fewer people than the «Manif for all» or the protests against the pension reform of Nicolas Sarkozy...

And given that these two French movements did not obtain what they wanted - and less still the departure of the President-, it is because they lacked the "local specialty" of Maidan: "self-defense" militias that emerged pretty quickly in December - which were fascist paramilitary militias, whose thousands of members regularly confronted the forces of law & order.

 The situation changes on 18 February, where they opened fire on the police, who had near 10 gunshot deaths on this single day, forcing the Government to allow the firing of live ammunition in "self-defence against the militia" – it is obviously forbidden for the police to shoot unarmed civilians!
Events tip into in bloodshed on 20 February. There are more than 100 deaths among the protesters - most killed by snipers whose origin seems very suspicious, (as noted by an Estonian Minister off the record with Catherine Ashton or a great report by the German TV ARD), it was revealed in mid-May that most fatal bullets were not from the police forces and that most of the evidence (weapons, bullets, spent cartridges, documents) had been lost or stolen. (Source). At this stage of manipulation, it is almost certain that putschists snipers fired on the security forces and unarmed protesters, and are responsible for much of the deaths incurred.

[…  In orignal 11 phots of Maidan violence and gunmen]

maidan euromaidan kiev ukraine protester manifestants fascistes néonazis nazis

maidan euromaidan kiev ukraine protester manifestants fascistes néonazis nazis

maidan euromaidan kiev ukraine protester manifestants fascistes néonazis nazis

maidan euromaidan kiev ukraine protester manifestants fascistes néonazis nazis

 maidan euromaidan kiev ukraine protester manifestants fascistes néonazis nazis

Let's face it that it becomes hard for a democracy to defend itself against such an individual (gas mask + shield + bulletproof vest...): 

 At police level, the official death toll was announced in mid-May: "1127 police and gendarmes suffered bodily injuries. From this total, 196 received injuries by firearms, 17 gendarmes and police officers were killed. At the time when the gendarmes and the police were wounded, they had not been wearing their service weapons." (Source)


At the same time, many abuses took place in the country - as here against Rostislav Vasilko, the general Secretary of the Communist Party in Lviv, beaten and tortured by the crowd (the extremist Catholic and Orthodox priests also played a significant role in these events):

On 21 February an agreement was signed between the President and the opposition, providing for early elections and a Government of national unity - all with the signing of several European Ministers to guarantee it (Germany, France, Poland).

But the Maidan militias refused the agreement. The coup succeeded, President Yanukovytch (whose life was under threat) fled the country on 22February. He was deposed unconstitutionally by the Assembly which called on 27 February a new interim President and a new Government, led by Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

Alexandre Turtchinov - Acting President, John Kerry, Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk
lt (the interim gov) is perfectly consistent with what the U.S. Government wanted, since there is the hpone call intercept with Victoria Nuland defining it (where we find her grandiose Fuck the EU):
The Western powers eventually refused to demand the application of the agreement of 21 February, and to recognize it.

PART 3 - The fascist government

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