General Kujat doesn't buy it. Here's what he said:
- It's lot of speculation. Proof of Russia's involvement with regular force has not come to my attention so far.
- For
example, the announcement of the Ukrainian President that 23 Russian
armed vehicles have been destroyed on Ukrainian soil. There are no
photos of surviving Russian soldiers nor of killed Russian soldiers.
- We
have been shown five satellite pictures as a proof that Russian Forces
are in the Ukraine. Three of them were marked officially as "on Russian
territory". Two of them are marked as "on Ukraine territory". The
Russian pictures are marked with the exact location, while the Ukrainian
ones have no mention of location and coordinates.
- We have to be very careful about what the Ukraine and the West says.
See also:
tanks’ NATO ‘s soapbox:
press conference video:
planes & ship” NATO’s anguished wails of discontent:
sub syndrome:
The Earth: Shifting
away from UN global security to being NATO’s mandate:
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