In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act, George Orwell

Indignez-vous ! Stéphane Hessel

“Le courage c’est de chercher la vérité et de la dire ; c’est de ne pas subir la loi du mensonge triomphant qui passe, et de ne pas faire écho, de notre âme, de notre bouche et de nos mains aux applaudissements imbéciles et aux huées fanatiques ”.” – Djordje Kuzmanovic

jeudi 26 juin 2014

Blog: A bloody footprint of organ harvesting [eng]

“Organ trafficking continues to flourish because criminals exploit shortages of organ donors.”

Rumours are flying around about illegal organ harvesting from fighters in Ukraine.    There are reports from the NAF that a scouting team encountered a mass grave with 100 of bodies, with their organs missing.  The details cannot be verified but there are strong suspicions.

and this link, (unverified but nevertheless of interest):
It is quite possible for criminal enterprises in Ukraine to take advantage of the conflict, possibility given a carte blanche by some high up, to carry out organ operations, given that certain Ukrainians have been implicated in similar enterprises connected with Kosovo. The photos linked to this article do come from Ukraine, more than likely from Chechenia!

The beginning - Kosovo and organ theft

Information on the issue of illegal traffic in human organs, (harvesting), from prisoners in 1999 & 2000, carried out by the KLA, (Army Liberation of Kosovo or UCK in Albanian), is here:

Post-war Kosovo is a known hub for illegal transplantations, this became readily apparent, when Dr. Lutfi Dervishi, manager of the “Medikus” clinic was arrested in 2008 and put on trial in Kosovo. He was involved in illegal organ transplantations for money.  Interestingly, there was a Turkish & Israeli patient at the time of his arrest.,46,28

 Also arrested was a Turkish doctor, Dr. Yusuf Sonmez, who himself had been involved in numerous illegal organ transplants, in Turkey & in Kosovo.  

It gradually emerged that dozens of impoverished donors had been trafficked into Kosovo from several countries, including Russia, Moldova and Ukraine.”

As a part of a wider international investigation, a group of 4 Ukrainian doctors were arrested by Azeri and Ukrainian authorities.

A summary of the court case, involving a number of individuals from Israel, Eastern Europe & the former Soviet Union: is here:,_sentenza_29_aprile_2013.pdf
So we have Ukrainians doctors and middlemen involved in international organ harvesting; proven by a number of police investigations in Kiev.  Furthermore, the OSCE carried out a report and within its findings, we find that organs of Russian donors were also used at the Kiev Institute of Surgery and Transplantology.  Back in 2011, Ukraine was considered as one of the top places for illegal organ transplants:   Here is another highly disturbing report from 2012, as reported in Australia:

Go further back, to 2005, again,, where it mentions:
According to news agencies, in August 2002, three Ukrainian doctors were charged in Lvov with trafficking in the organs of victims of road accidents. The doctors used helicopters to ferry kidneys and livers to colluding hospitals. They charged up to $19,000 per organ.”

Ukraine is at the centre of a long standing illegal organ harvesting and trading centre. Organised crime syndicates organise the trade, which is amply abetted by businesses, government officials, doctors, lawyers and hospitals. 

“Two Ukrainian recruiters for the Kiev ring -- Ruslan Yakovenko and Ievgen Sliusarchuk -- told Yafimau by e-mail that selling a kidney was a painless way to earn $10,000, according to an October 2010 indictment.”

While the illegal organ trade may be run by seasoned criminals, it depends on the complicity of doctors and hospitals, says Oleg Liashko, a member of Ukraine’s parliament.

“I doubt this could happen without the hospital and doctors knowing about it,” says Liashko, who has investigated organ trafficking and is calling for more-severe criminal penalties in organ transplant laws. “They either know or look the other way because of the money involved. This is corruption, pure and simple.”

The Israeli connection

As can be seen in the Kosovo court judgement, nearly all of the recipients were Israelis.  An Israeli was also implicated & arrested in this case:
Israel has an acute shortage of organs, in part because of religious beliefs. Just 12 percent of Israelis are registered donors,” so this opens the door to illegal organ transplants, (Kosovo, Ukraine, Turkey).  More info - read this link:
Israeli businesses such as Avigad and Etgar were heavily involved in the organ trade, as shown in the Kosovo Medikus court case.  It didn’t stop at Kosovo since Israelis were also involved, including those with dual Israeli & Ukrainian citizenship.

The organs were then allegedly transferred to Israelis in need of a kidney transplant, which cost over $200,000, said the head of the Ukrainian organization for combating human trafficking during a press conference following the arrests.

Ukrainian police estimated that the network made a gross sum of $40 million.

Back to Kosovo - Collusion at the top?

Serbian reporters asked Bernard Kourchner, former top UN representative in Kosovo, as in the video below, what he thought of the illegal traffic in human organs from prisoners, carried out by the KLA, which had just been revealed by Dick Marty in a report that he prepared for the Council of Europe " Kourchner dismissed them with a laugh. Lien en français:

To conclude: “That ring worked with another gang in Kosovo led by an Israeli of Turkish descent, investigators in Ukraine and Kosovo say.”


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