In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act, George Orwell

Indignez-vous ! Stéphane Hessel

“Le courage c’est de chercher la vérité et de la dire ; c’est de ne pas subir la loi du mensonge triomphant qui passe, et de ne pas faire écho, de notre âme, de notre bouche et de nos mains aux applaudissements imbéciles et aux huées fanatiques ”.” – Djordje Kuzmanovic

lundi 9 juin 2014

Comment: Musical interlude



 Someone To Blame [Jesus Jones]:

Understand that we don't dislike you 
Nothing ever goes quite as planned 
Well you know that these things happen
So we just know you'll understand 
But it's not you fault 
We just need someone to blame
 You really needn't take it so hard 
You know how quickly people forget
We've heard it said that you're no bad loser
So we just know that you'll have no regrets
 But it's not your fault
We just need someone to blame

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